The Final Countdown

Leaving on a jet plane 

... in seven days (next Saturday). -- This page will be updated on a daily basis.

Training Accomplished Each Day

7/08 (Sat)
    4.25 mile hike in lightly maintained trails. Four Mile Creek Park, Webster
    2 hour hike around downtown (High Falls, Genesee River, Corn Hill Arts Fest)
7/09 (Sun)
    11.5 mile ( 6 hr ) hike, circumnavigating Mendon Ponds Park with Zeke.
7/10 (Mon): Flow Yoga
7/11 (Tue): Weight training
7/12 (Wed): Weight training
7/13 (Thur): Grandkids for ice cream
7/14 (Fri): Dinner w/Mom & Sis
7/15 (Sat): Falcon Watching in the morn

Meaningful Moment

Reading Linda's Blog with awe and envy as she experiences the beauty of the Camino Frances.

Random Thought of the Day

I miss Linda and can't wait to join her on the Camino.

Here it is the day before ... I am frustrated to get the journey underway. Every since June 26th, I have been marking time by training, working ... If not for the pleasantries of being with family, I would have jumped on a plane and gone for it. Feeling like I am behind the pace, reading Linda's blog and having felt the feelings that she is, has made me seem a bit emptier.

But that all changes tomorrow. I will board the plane in Rochester, catch the flight to Toronto, make the connection to Madrid and take a bus to Leon. Rest up and catch the bus on Monday to, presumably, Carrion de Los Condes and be with Linda again ... in some albergue in some tiny Spanish village on the Meseta - walking in the footsteps of St James along the Camino de Santiago.

My hiking partner and training compadre

Mendon Ponds map. Zeke and I hit every trail in the park.

The actual 11.5 mile hike.

Fern Valley

Pine Woods

North Meadow

East Esker Trail. The hardest one today. Long steady climb up.

Zeke and I take a break on top of the East Esker.

Southern Meadow

Quaker Pond

Swamp Trail

Nature Trail


West Esker trail. Coming to the end of the hike, and looking forward to finding the car.


  1. I just bookmarked your blog :) so I can start reading your "daily updates"!



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