Day 22 - Santo Estavo to Muxia

Santo Estavo to Muxia

Distance: 9 miles / 15 kms

Goal for the Day

End of my Camino

Meaningful Moment

After the mass, received my final pilgrim stamp.

Random Thought of the Day

Completed the Camino Frances and the Camino Fisterra/Muxia

On the Road

Went fast without any device to remind me of time, land profile or distance. Should have done this sooner.

On the way to Muxia

Last day of hiking

Costa da Morte (Coat of Death) because of all the ship wrecked sailors who died along the Galacian coast

Church of the Holy Mother, patron of ships. Functioning parish church at the top of the Muxia peninsula.
Scaling the mountain top at the peninsula tip to get to the cross located atop.
Muxia from the mountain top
Church of the patron of ships
At the cross atop The mountain


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