Day 15 - Arzua to A Lavacolla

 Arzua to A Lavacolla

Distance: 18 miles / 30kms

Goal for the Day

Get close enough to Santiago for a very short walk to the cathedral. Mission accomplished. We only have a 6 mile walk in the morning.

Meaningful Moment

Tomato sandwich and butter/jelly sandwiches along the Camino

Random Thought of the Day

While Linda and I were walking today, she mentioned to me at one point that we could lighten our load a bit for one day if we used one of the backpack transportation services.

It was at this point that I had a realization. Earlier on the Camino, we reached Cruz de Ferro where pilgrims leave a stone that symbolizes a burden they wish to leave behind. At the cross, I had no stone. I felt little at the moment.

But today I realized that my backpack is my 'stone'. However I don't want to leave it. Everything in my backpack symbolizes something in my life and for better or worse, I want to keep them. That does not mean that I want them. Only that I don't want to pretend that they no longer exist. I am the sum of my life experiences.

On the Road

Started out early for a change due to our desire to cover 18 miles today. We got out of the albergue by 7 am, and had coffee and toast by 7:30. The day was long and hard but we made progress through out.

The early morning fog hung around until about 10 which was both a blessing and a curse. It kept things cold but also kept the hot sun from appearing to early.

A big difference here in Galicia is how much forest there is along the Camino. Much of the day we had lush greenery towing over 100 feet above us as we crossed hill and mountain after hill and mountain. It made the path more beautiful. The contrast with the flat fields of the Meseta is startling. Both have their beauty but greenery always wins the contest.

Some of the beautiful trails along the way
Crossed many mountains
Arboreal forests 
A spider web
Linda feeds an apple to a friendly horse


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