Day 18 - Negreira to Olveira

Negreira to Olveira

Distance: 19 miles / 33 kms

Goal for the Day

Have a long day today for two short 12 miles days after.

Meaningful Moment

The challenge of hiking such a distance over such a time frame

Random Thought of the Day

A lot of up and down hill and mountain climbing builds character. Kind of like life ... You can put your shoulder into it, or you can quit.

On the Road

Just a very long day. 10 hours of hiking, starting at 8 am. We finally arrived around 6pm. Then on top of that, it drizzled pretty much all day ... And if it wasn't drizzle, it was mist from all the clouds hugging the mountain tops. Pretty much a tough day, and I picked up my first blister of this entire trip.

We barely had enough time to do some laundry, get something to eat and call it a day.

Old church we passed along the way

Another Galacian town

Rather interesting sculpture in a very small town that depicts on two sides a son restraining his father who is presumably going somewhere far away to earn a living


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