Day 20 - Cee to Finisterre

Cee to Finisterre

Distance: 9 miles / 15 kms

Goal for the Day

Monument marker 000 to mark the edge of the world at the Finisterre light house

Meaningful Moment

Sunday sunset cruise from the seaport of Fisterra, Spain along Galacia's Costa de Morte. The stark beauty of the rocky coastline with sparse interspersed beaches brought alive the memories of hiking across these mountains.

Random Thought of the Day

The major places on the Camino are touristy. I had to remind myself several times that, like life, it is the journey and not the destination.

On the Road

It was another uneventful hike day. Left Cee and proceeded into the hills.
With only a few miles to go, we got our first glimpse of the Atlantic ocean. Later we rounded a bend and there before me was the beauty of the Spanish coastline.

Completed the hike into the town of Finisterre, checked into the hotel and made ready to complete this part of the hike by heading out to the lighthouse and kilometer marker 000.

Leaving the village of Cee
Our first sighting of Finisterre

Famed lighthouse at cape Finisterre, the end of the world

Looking down from the lighthouse

At kilometer 000. There is nowhere father west to go.

Sunset cruise around the bay at  Finisterre

Sunset over Cape Finisterre

Atlantic ocean sunset in Galicia


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