15 Days and Counting Down

Upcoming Practice

It's July 1st and 15 days to my flight to Madrid.

(Sat) 5 strenuous miles in Irondequoit Bay West Park, followed by 4 miles in Abe Lincoln.
(Sun) 5 strenuous miles in the Ellison Park wetlands, followed by ...
(Tue) 5 easy miles on the Pittsford Short Triangle hike, followed by ...

Goal for Upcoming Days

Lots of hiking, plus time in the gym doing Pilates, Yoga, Trx, etc.
Even more stretching in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Meaningful Moment

Watching Linda pass thru the TSA security checkpoint in Rochester, on her way to Spain.

Random Thought of the Day

Not so random, but wishing that I was with her in Spain.

On the Road

     So I am not on the road, but Linda is and I so enjoy reading of her adventures and her text messages about how it's going. I only wish with every message that I was with her. 

     Took some time out today to see a movie with my sister, Liz, and enjoy some good company afterwards. Part of the camino experience is taking time out and time off to soak in what's going on around yourself. 

     I'm taking the time now to prep my bag. I hiked today with my camino pack, rather than just stuffing cushions and books. Came in handy. One lady somehow got caught up with some ground bees which stung her several times. I had benadryl ready to go in my med kit.

What I have to be doing

What I need to be doing

What I wish I was doing


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