Day 7 - Foncebadon to Ponferrada

Foncebadon to Ponferrada

Distance: 12.5miles / 21 kms

Goal for the Day

Get medical attention for a dental issue. 2 days ago I felt an annoying sensation in one of my teeth. But I didn't pay it no mind as I thought the cause was allergy related. After two fitful nights of sleep and a worsening of the condition, I called a dentist in Ponferrada who agreed to see me the same day. Diagnosis: cracked vertical tooth. He did some temporary fix gratis and wished me a good pilgrimage.

Meaningful Moment

When the cracked tooth stopped bothering me.

Random Thought of the Day

Standing on ground trod by the Knights Templar as Linda and I toured the castle in Ponferrada. It was really impressive to see the collection of books from the 12th and other centuries. Most were facsimiles but that did not downplay the aeristey and majesty of the collection of ancient knowledge, art and religion.

On the Road

Left the albergue for a short 2 km trek to Cruz de Ferro which is a iron cross atop a tall wooden pole. The symbols is that one carries a stone on their Camino to leave at the cross, thus relieving themselves of a burden that they have been carrying in their life.

On my other Caminos, I had pictured that moment when I would place my stone at the cross. But for whatever reason as my preparations for the Frances progressed and as the actual journey was underway, I could not find a burden of which I wanted relief.

That all made the actual moment at which I climbed to the cross rather anti-climatic.

The day started cold and foggy.
Linda and Cruz de Ferro

Altho I did not have a stone or burden to leave behind at the cross, it was still a good moment for contemplation.

Another pilgrims tending to his burden.
The way down to Ponferrada is a steep drop which took Linda and I over 4 hours to negotiate.
This little cross by the wayside was more moving, less touristy and more symbolic of the purpose of a pilgrimage.
In mountains and valleys
Michael Cura was a 16 yr old young man on a class trip to bicycle the Camino. He collapsed of an undiagnosed condition. 
It was a long  way down.
View of Ponferrada Spain from the Knights Templar Castle
One of my favorite rooms during the tour was the exhibition of old books ( facsimiles )  but none the less amazing to see how history was recorded over a thousand years ago.
Flag of the Knights Templar waving in the breeze over their castle
As we toured the castle, it was an amazing feeling just taking in all the history behind this place.
Linda at the castle


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