Nine Days To Go

9 Days and Counting Down

The big things over the past few days was all the hiking that I did this 4th of July weekend (and Tuesday).
I got 5 hikes in.
I fell twice: once on slippery, clay-like stuff during a rain hike and once while descending a 45 degree decline at Abe Lincoln Park.
I busted one pole and got lost in Abe Lincoln which really surprised me. I somehow completely missed a white blaze marker. Ended up in some serious brush just before the very steep descent.

Goal for the Day

Some group exercise classes. Got in a yoga class last Monday. Felt good to do something different.

Meaningful Moment

Keeping my cool in Abe Lincoln after the fall and ruined hiking pole.

Random Thought of the Day

During all my hiking, I had much time to reflect on the inner me and my relations to the outside world. In the preparation for this Camino, I have been reflecting on some of the relations that others have with me.

I have come to realize that as important as it is to process my interactions with others, it also matters how I process the interactions that others have with me.

Today I had lunch with my son and his family. To sit amidst my pride and joy with his lovely wife and amazing kids, to relax over lunch with light conversation while the kids laughed and the parents smiled brought me a measure of peace and contentment in an otherwise untranquil work day.

Later I sat over supper with my mom and sister as the rain poured down on Monroe Ave. In the heart of the city, it was beautiful to chat while Nature replenished the urbanized grasses and bushes along this thoroughfare.

In the mornings, I have risen early to watch Rochester's peregrine falcon family teach their young'uns to fly and soar, to play and have fun over the center of Rochester. These young fledges are learning their way in the world for the first time, while I am learning my way in the world again.

A great playwright once put quill to paper and penned these immortal words.
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. "

I'm not sure what age I am these days, but of one thing - I am sure. I am ready for this next Camino - to share it with someone special, to live it with someone dear and to relish each and every moment for the newness it brings to me in this age.

Some of the wonderful things in my life. Each experience here becomes a part of me to think about along the Camino.
Accidentally running into Josh and Sara at the International Jazz Fest. Saw Joss Stone in a great performance.

My sister and I, having an after movie meal with other film goers. Saw 'The Beguiled'.

That's my granddaughter, Adriana, in the middle of the picture. One of my dreams come true ... another O'Heron on the ice.

An evening walk with Zeke, my dog, around Manhattan Square Park in Rochester. The fountain is a nice contrast with the background skyscrapers.

Looking towards the Smith St Bridge, early on a workday. The gorge is a serene and contemplative place to watch the breaking dawn.



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