Day 6 - Astorga to Foncebadon

Astorga to Foncebadon

Distance: 16.5 miles / 28 kms

Goal for the Day

Basically it's another day for a physical challenge. Most of the day will be an uphill climb. But the last six kilometers will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 350m or 450 ft of a pretty tough climb.

Meaningful Moment

The meaningful moment is that I am with Linda as we are now a mere 2 km away from Cruz De Ferro. Perhaps the most spiritually or emotionally significant part of this Camino. Maybe not for many or for most, but since I have started this Camino, I've been wanting to reach the cross to absolve myself of my deepest fears.

Random Thought of the Day

Doing the Meseta with Linda is such a pleasure. Sometimes we are by each other, sometimes I'm in front and sometimes she's in front, but we are always near each other.

On the Road

In Astorga, the hostel people gave us our own private room. Bunk beds, but still nicer than being in with a dozen other people.
Linda and I followed our normal routine. We got up, headed for a coffee shop and had some breakfast before we started the major portion of the day.
About every five kilometers today there was a town, where we stopped for something to drink before continuing on. That made for a nice set of segments in which to tackle today's distance.

The climb itself was very challenging. I was glad for all the practice that I put in. It took over four hours to complete the final leg of approx 5 kilometers. There was a lot of blood, sweat and tears to climb the mountain.

One we settled in, we had a nice dinner.

One year ago I stood here when I completed the Via de La Plata camino. Today I stand here with Linda on the Camino Frances.

Dinner at Serrano restaurant

Small town

I like this picture of Linda.
Starting a 1500 foot ascent
The climb to Foncebadon


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