Day 2 - Burgo Ranero to Manzilla

 Burgo Ranero to Manzilla de Las Mulas

Distance: 10 miles / 17 kms

Goal for the Day

Continue acclimating to the Camino conditions of distance and heat

Meaningful Moment

A picnic outside of Reliegos

Random Thought of the Day

Glad to have done the Meseta on my last Camino. I know what to expect and how to deal with the "sameness, never ending sameness".

On the Road

I expected and got pretty much what the Meseta is. Field after field, flat and flat, tree line after tree line.

Last night Linda and I talked about another short day, 12 miles. And after getting the weather forecast for more moderate temperatures, we decided to also sleep in until 7.

We left Burgo Ranero after stopping in for a coffee at a bar. Then we were off. The weather was much more agreeable today. One intermediate village later where we stopped for cold drinks, Linda suggested a picnic. With provisions in hand from a shop owner who promised us the best sandwich ever, we came across a rest area just outside of town where we took a break and had our picnic. Can't necessarily say it was the best sandwich ever but it was good.

It was so nice to not be focused on time or distance, but to just enjoy a sandwich, a drink and some rest.

The rest of the hike seemed unmemorable, but somehow quick. We arrived at Manzilla and checked in to the albergue for a shower, laundry and a chance to get off of our feet.

The bunk beds were the squeekiest ever. My bunk and the bunk of the guy above me made this horrible sound to high heaven all night long. The incredible thing was that even when neither of us were moving, it still made that noise. Linda told me that we were keeping everyone up ... All night.

Both hospiteleros we friendly and conversational. They put up with my fractured Spanish and we talked for quite awhile. Both men were retired and felt like they had something to give to the pilgrims. They were all you could ask from volunteers on the Camino de Santiago.

Linda and I at a rest area on the way to Manzilla with the Meseta for a view. Local resident out for his morning stroll in the background.
Someone was having fun in the hostel with her camera, taking pictures of unsuspecting people


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