Day 8 - Ponferrada to Villafranca del Bierzo

Ponferrada to Villafranca del Bierzo

Distance: 15 miles / 25 kms

Goal for the Day

Nothing special for today. Just enjoy the moments as they come.

Meaningful Moment

Villafranca Town festival honoring the patron saint, Santiago. A 1 in 365 chance that we would be in this town on this day.

Random Thought of the Day

How nice cold water feels on tired, sore and aching feet

On the Road

After a great time in Ponferrada, we hit the road. It was a less interesting hike since there was a fair amount of roads, what with cars passing by and such. We did get some motivation when we passed a road sign telling us that it was only 220 km to Santiago.

The coolest thing to happen was that we spent the night in a town that had St James as as the patron saint and it was the day to honor him.

Linda and I made our way to the church for the procession and then the mass. At the end the priest invited all pilgrims up for a blessing.

Linda and I cooked or first albergue meal of pasta, zucchini and mushrooms. Delicious.

Motivating. Linda started at 790kms. I started at 400 kms..

Along the way ....


Linda, sitting by the river.


Two pilgrims with tired feet.

Rio Valcarce

Procession in honor of St James, patron saint of Villafranca



Procession outside the church


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