Day 12 - Sarria to Portomarin

Post Title

Distance: 12.5 miles / 22 kms

Goal for the Day

Get to albergue early to get some rest.

Meaningful Moment

Picnic in a field. Nothing special happened, just a nice time.

Random Thought of the Day

Santiago is only four days away after for years of hiking.

On the Road

Pretty unextraordinary day. Had a good breakfast, homemade, at the albergue. Headed out. Lots of cloud cover kept the temperature comfortable.

Linda and I have a standard joke now that no matter how far the distance or how hard we try, it will take us eight hours to reach our destination. Desired a short hike, we needed 7.5 hrs to get here.

Attended the mass tonight. Churches in Galicia have a Celtic heritage so the architectural style is very current from Castile y Leon. You can see in the pictures that the building is very different.

Four days to santiago. It is a tsunami of pilgrims now. Very disconcerting. I'm use to space and time being about me in the Camino, but here it is impossible to get away from the weekend pilgrims. They pull down my spirit and change the entire feel and vibe of the experience.

Picnic time again in a field somewhere in Galicia.
Church in Portomarin. Notice the absence of traditional Spanish style. This area has a Celtic heritage

Kept running across this nice Spanish family over the past two weeks. 


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