Linda's On Her Way

Linda's Camino Has Begun

I took Linda to the airport yesterday. She has started her camino. It was both a joyous moment for me and one tinged with a bit of enviousness ... as I wait to start my camino in mid-July. None the less, I felt great pride in her for this is a momentous decision to devote one's body and soul to a 500 mile undertaking. I only wish that I was with her.

Goal for the Day

Feeling just a bit sad and lonely, I thought to get Zeke out for a walk or to head to the YMCA for an exercise session. Neither happened. For some reason, I just completely crashed on the couch when I got home.

Meaningful Moment

How about a sinful moment? Couldn't resist the DD Boston Cream donut on the way out of the airport terminal.

Random Thought of the Day

Been slow to motivate myself. Continuing to work with the VA physical therapist and the Strong Sports Medicine physical therapist to increase flexibility and range of motion. Feeling pretty good in my health, but having decided to take on the usual signs of being my age, it is sometimes disconcerting to not make the progress that I want. For this reason, among other, I need to return to the Camino de Santiago and work on my thought patterns and outlook on life. To breathe the air of the Camino again ... to walk its path ... to take myself into the sun and heat, the rain and wind, the solitude and the atmosphere of the crowd ... to talk to myself and then to share stories and dreams and hopes with my fellow pilgrims ...

What's Up Next?

Time for me to get serious about my backpack. Started organizing tonight: clothes in the sub-packs, med kit and supplies, electronics and accessories.

Linda is packed and ready for her flight to Spain. St Jean Pied du Port here she comes.

Bags are packed. She's ready to go.


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