Linda's Countdown and Our Training

Linda's Countdown

It is dawning on me that in less than 2 weeks, Linda begins her grand adventure on the Camio de Santiago Camino Frances. I will miss her when she leaves for Spain, but at the same time, be excited for her and the experiences she will accumulate.

Goal for the Day

Our training continues.

Last night we did six urban miles which presents its own challenges. The constant hum of traffic, the pounding on the sidewalks, the somewhat gritty city scape (as opposed to a scenic trail) can wear one down. On the other hand, we saw three wonderful waterfalls, all located in the heart of Rochester.

Last Monday we did a Mendon Ponds hike that turned into a disaster. We planned on six miles thru the northwest part of the park: Northern Meadows, Fern Valley, West Esker and Devil's Bathtub. However the mosquitoes were out in full  force. They absolutely attacked in swarms, and we were without insect repellent. I thought that I had some in my bag, but I did not.

A couple of weekends back, we did 13 miles in Ellison Park and the Wetlands. The terrain was muddy and messy, and we faced challenges in several points on how and whether to continue. But we did it. Sore and tired, we made it back to the car six hours later ... with a successful hike behind us.

And we did a 13-mile circumnavigation of Mendon Ponds Park for our 1st long-distance practice hike. That went well.

Meaningful Moment

Linda and I walking together for hours.

Random Thought of the Day

Feeling so good about my conditioning. Will still be a challenge, but I'm in pretty good shape.

Mendon Ponds Park Circumnavigation (13 miles in 6 hrs)

Ellison Park and Wetlands (13 miles in 6 hrs)

Mendon Ponds (4 miles in just under 2 hrs)

Rochester's Three WaterFalls (6 miles in a 2.25 hrs)


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